What is a distal biceps tendon injury?
The biceps are two muscles located along the anterior (front) portion of the upper arm. These muscles originate at the top of the shoulder and attach to the radial tuberosity, a bony prominence located on the forearm just past the elbow. A distal biceps tendon injury occurs when the tendon is severed from its attachment site on the radial tuberosity. Weightlifters and those that lift unusually heavy objects as part of their work duties have the highest risk of experiencing this type of injury. A distal biceps tendon injury is rare and often requires immediate surgical intervention.

What is the treatment for a distal biceps tendon injury?
Patients who have suffered a distal biceps tendon injury are strongly encouraged to seek prompt medical attention as surgical intervention is the best treatment for this type of injury. The goal of a distal biceps tendon repair is to restore strength and function to the biceps muscles that play an important role in elbow flexion and forearm rotation. The surgical repair of a distal biceps tendon injury involves reattaching the damaged tendon back to its correct anatomical position on the radial tuberosity. Dr. Answorth A. Allen, an orthopedic elbow surgeon, treats patients in Manhattan, New York City, Westchester, Long Island and surrounding areas who need a distal biceps tendon repair.
How is a distal biceps tendon repair performed?
A distal biceps tendon repair involves a small incision on the upper forearm to allow an entry point in order to locate the distal end of the torn biceps tendon. The damaged portion of the tendon is located, debrided and prepped for reattachment to the radial tuberosity. Depending on the type of tear, Dr. Allen may tunnel through the radius bone and insert the distal biceps tendon through this hole. The damaged tendon is then fastened to the radius bone by special surgical anchors or buttons that are secured within the bone.
If a significant amount of time passes between a distal biceps tendon injury and surgical repair, a tendon graft may be necessary to properly reattach the tendon to the radial tuberosity. The tendon can be from the patient (autograft) or donated (allograft) and is sewn into the native biceps muscle before reattaching it to the radius bone.
What are the benefits of a distal biceps tendon repair?
There is an increase in strength with elbow flexion and supination and a faster recovery period for the patient. Surgery is typically performed within 2 weeks of injury to decrease the risk of tendon retraction.
How long is the recovery after a distal biceps tendon repair?
The recovery period for a distal biceps tendon repair is dependent upon the severity and complexity of the injury. Most patients can expect a full recovery approximately 4-6 months after a successful distal biceps tendon repair. In general, patients in New York can expect the following:
A sling is applied to immobilize the elbow; occasionally a brace may be necessary depending on the level of tendon retraction.
Physical therapy begins within 1-2 days after surgery with the addition of strengthening exercises 6 weeks following surgery. Completion of a physical rehabilitation program is the key to a successful recovery following a distal biceps tendon repair.
A combination of rest, ice, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications are used for pain management.
Biceps Tendon Surgeon

Do you frequently lift heavy weights? If so, you may be at an increased risk of sustaining a biceps tendon injury. This injury is often best treated with prompt surgical intervention. Biceps tendon repair is a surgical procedure that can performed to repair and reattach the torn biceps tendon. Elbow surgeon Doctor Allen Answorth has experience diagnosing and treating patients in Manhattan, New York City, Westchester, Long Island and surrounding areas who have experienced recent elbow pain. Contact Dr. Allen’s team today!